When the grains contained in the akenes start to darken and harden, Buckwheat is ready to be harvested !

What is buckwheat?

Despite the name , buckwheat has no relationship with wheat. From a botanical point of view, it is not even a grass but in the same family as rhubarb, sorrel, and knotweed.


Native to Northeast Asia, where it was first domesticated, buckwheat grows well in most cold climates and has many advantages such as its predominance over weeds, its possible implementation even in poor soils and its rapid culture time (about 100 days). It reaches the Middle-East, from where it is brought back to Europe during the crusades. Nowadays, it still remains very popular in Eastern and Northern Europe, where it is eaten as a porridge.

Buckwheat Flour

Rustic, slightly speckled with gray and black, it will allow you to make, among other things, great buckwheat pancakes !

Nutrition and health:

Buckwheat is a plant food of the highest nutritional value. A good source of vegetable fibers, it has the eight essential amino acids our body needs in its composition, as well as high levels of minerals. It is also an excellent source of antioxidants because of its richness in flavonoids .