The joy of putting your hands in the earth, to be in touch with this wonderful resource so essential to our survival. I suddenly feel invaded by peace and quiet. This feeling reminds me of how fragile life is, and is based in balance of all the other elements that surround it. This well-being found within nature prompted me to take part in this balance. It is in this spirit that I began experience of gardening 101.
With the help of my Pinterest/Instagram/Facebook friends, I collected as much information as I could to start at the right time and with the right method. Using these readings, I discovered the “regrowth” method. It only takes your old vegetables, water, containers, soil for transplantation, and the sun. Your old salad, bok choy, celery and fennel only need to be cut to the foot and put in water to fend for themselves! What magic! Then, when they are strong and large enough, transplanted into the ground, you get a nice vegetable ready to be re-eaten!
I haven’t planted seeds yet, I ordered organic seeds and I’m still waiting for them to arrive. I ordered the easiest to grow (potato, onion, beets, squash, and carrot). This way, I am virtually guaranteed to be successful and want to start again next year.
For the moment, I’m using vegetables I already had in my fridge. Several small projects are underway: fennel, garlic, shallot, romaine lettuce, leaf lettuce, basil, parsley, cilantro (parsley and cilantro are terminally ill, I don’t think I quite have the technique yet), carrot (only the tip regrows and this is the part you can eat), turmeric, ginger (currently soaking before transplantation), white onion and avocado.
Some experiments were failures at the beginning… My salad leaf transplantation in the land: failed! My first green onions: apprentice gardener 101, don’t forget to water them! Although shallots grow in water, it must be changed regularly, same as for salad and celery.
If, like me, you try the regrow method, opt for organic vegetables preferably. They will be healthier.
I invite you to try these little experiments at home! It’s really easy, doesn’t take up too much space (well, that depends on the quantity you want. For my part, my table is half sacrificed). If you have children, they will love it! In addition, you’ll save money over the long-term!
Below, you will find a colorful table explaining the principle that I used with each vegetable !
I’m also considering growing a lemon and apple tree! I don’t understand why I waited so long to get into gardening. It makes me proud to see the vegetables growing big. Additionally, it is reassuring to know what is on my plate.
Here are a few pages on Facebook I recommend to inform you about indoor and outdoor gardening , and perhaps convince you !
- Les Urbaniculteurs
- Prana
- Le nutritionniste urbain
Otherwise go to Pinterest and look up : regrown / diy / indoor gardening and many ideas will be pop up .
Other pertinent information:
- All vegetables that can regrow in compost:
- Soils:
- Composting:
- How to grow tropical fruit ? I only tried the avocado and I am still waiting on the results. We can reap the benefits of the plan, because of our climate, but we get a nice fruit tree. I would also like to try the pineapple ! In short , many projects still to be done :